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We are a community guided by shared values, an unyielding dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion, and a fundamental commitment to supporting one another. We are a learning community strengthened by the expression of a full range of views informed by a far-reaching set of life experiences.

Meet the team

Dr. Theo Kousouli D.C., CHt., C.I. wearing a blue grey suit with arms crossed smiling at the camera
Dr Kousoili
a long haired brunette woman smiling at camera holding a laptop in focus with four other students behind her also holding laptops out of focus.
Jane Doe
a young pretty blue eyed brown haired woman smiling at camera holding a laptop
a young pretty red headed blue eyed young woman smiling at camera holding a laptop

Community Engagement and Volunteering

There are many benefits to community engagement and volunteering. For individuals, they can:
  • Learn new skills and knowledge
  • Develop a sense of purpose
  • Meet new people and make friends
  • Improve their physical and mental health Gain experience that can help them in their careers
two women sitting on the ground near a body of water in front of the Parthenon
a stone steps leading to a building with columns and pink flowers

Community facilities and services

There are many benefits to community engagement and volunteering. For individuals, they can:
  • Learn new skills and knowledge
  • Develop a sense of purpose
  • Meet new people and make friends
  • Improve their physical and mental health Gain experience that can help them in their careers
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